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December 14, 2002

Business items discussed:

Hollie reported that the club had a balance of $1200 before HubFest and $1500 after. The club had agreed that the race would benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and the net income from the race will be donated and presented ASAP.

Becky reported that the RRCA is in financial trouble, and a group in Alabama is trying to set up a replacement organization. The club has temporarily withheld paying its RRCA dues to see if we should instead join the new group.

The nominating committee proposed the 2002 slate of officers for the year 2003, and, over the President's objection, this proposal was approved by acclamation.

It was decided to hold a New Year's Day club run, to replace the run dropped by IWSM. Arrangements are tentative, with some details to be worked out. It will probably be held at 9:00 AM, starting in Sumrall. The club may award  trophies and club t-shirts to finishers as long as the current supply lasts.

The club will again sponsor the HubFest 5K in October 2003.

After the business meeting gifts were exchanged via the Dirty Santa method. Actually this method soon broke down when it was revealed that Tony and Brandy had an urgent meeting to go to elsewhere and did not have time for such frivolity. (Maybe RBear's curling up in a fetal position and refusing to let anyone see what he got also contributed)?

Anyway, a great time was had by all, and if you missed it you weren't there.

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