December 12, 2009
DECEMBER 12, 2009, 5:30
Present: Nestor Anzola, Deborah Barrett, Keith Barrett, Vicki Copeland, James Daniel, Susan Davidson, Donna Davis , Kily Garcia, Ben Hughes, Audrey Jackson, Jodie Jawor, Charles Jackson, Becky Ryder, Hollie Ryder.
The meeting, held at Jodie Jawor and James Daniel's home, was called to order by President Audrey Jackson.
Treasurer's Report
Deborah Barrett presented a detailed report of club revenues and expenditures for 2009. The summary of this report showed the club ending the year with a balance of $7,530.99. On motion by Audrey seconded by Becky the group agreed that a $3,000 contribution be made to ARC. This represents proceeds from Hobble Then Gobble, for which ARC was the designated charity. The remaining $469 from the race will be added to the group's recently established Equipment Fund.
Steam Whistle 12K
Audrey reported that Tony Mozingo had informed her that he would no longer direct the Steam Whistle 12K on New Year's Day. Audrey has been working to keep this race on the calendar. Members discussed assisting with food, setup, cleanup and course monitoring. The course has been changed to begin and end at Jackson Road , which has better access to bathrooms and parking. Charles has taken care of race permits, and is looking for six more volunteers who do not intend to run the race to help on the course. The members present agreed that this race is an important event to keep on the calendar. On motion by Becky seconded by Donna, the group agreed to add Steam Whistle back as a Gran Prix event. Audrey and Charles Jackson agreed to serve as race directors in lieu of continuing to direct Hobble Then Gobble.
Meeting Dates
On motion by Becky seconded by Charles the members present agreed to set the quarterly business meetings for Sunday evenings in 2010. Members are welcome to offer input to the officers about specific dates and times for these meetings.
Jim Coll will handle planning for this event, with a tentative date of Thursday, Feb. 25 th . The banquet will be held at some venue on the USM campus, details to be announced.
Track on Tap
Charles will resume coordination of these events in the upcoming year.
James Daniel, new Pine Belt Pacer web master, will be working with outgoing web master Elmer Beardshall in January. James looks to the April meeting for announcements about potential changes, added content, etc.
Mississippi 50
Charles discussed a repeat of last year's practice run, followed by a cookout, for Pacers planning on participating in this premier trail run event. Watch the forum for more information.
Election of Officers
On motion by Becky, seconded by Audrey, the following slate of officers was elected for 2010:
President: Susan Davidson
Vice President: Ben Hughes
Secretary: Donna Davis
Treasurer: Deborah Barrett
Record Keeper: Ginny Dufrene
Gran Prix Event Recorder: Terry Lawhead
Public Relations: Kristy Turner
Membership Chair: Mark Filbey
Longleaf Trace Liaisons: Becky Ryder and Elmer Beardshall
Social Chairs: Charles Jackson and Vicki Copeland
Next Meeting:
Officers will hold a planning meeting in January (tentatively set for Jan. 24 th , 4:30, at the Keg and Barrel) at which time the club calendar, including dates for all business meetings, will be set.
Respectfully submitted: Donna Davis , Secretary