July 18, 2010
Present: Cea Atkinson, Deborah Barrett, Keith Barrett, Vicki Copeland, James Daniel, Susan Davidson, Donna Davis, Sheila Eaton, Aquilino Garcia, Ben Hughes, Audrey Jackson, Charles Jackson, Jodie Jawor, Mitzie Lawhead, Terry Lawhead, Erika Miller, Paige Phillips, Dee Rasberry, Becky Ryder, Hollie Ryder, Walt Struthers, Jen Torres, Christy Turner, Eric Weill
The meeting, held at Becky and Hollie Ryder's home, was called to order by President Susan Davidson.
Treasurer Deborah Barrett informed the group that the club has a fund balance of 7,654.85. This balance includes $1,357 in an equipment fund and $1,107.74 raised from the annual Pacer banquet. The banquet proceeds are used each year towards a club donation to the USM Athletic Foundation which supports a Track and Field scholarship. On motion by Becky Ryder seconded by Keily Garcia, the group agreed to a $2,500 donation to the USM foundation.
The group discussed the current clock policy (posted on the Pacer website) and whether or not changes should be considered. It was agreed that the current policy is working well.
Ben Hughes discussed plans for Trek the Trace, scheduled for August 10 th and 17 th , at 6:00 p.m. Predicted time runs, team and kids events will be part of the schedule of activities. Refreshments include a main dish provided by the club, with members bringing a side dish to share. Members were encouraged to participate in these fun evenings at the Longleaf Trace. Details will be announced through the website.
Donna Davis and Eric Weill reported on progress towards 2010 Labor Your Legs. The new T-shirt design was presented. This year's shirt will be cotton rather than technical shirts. Fewer sponsors this year lead to the decision to use cotton to ensure that the race is a successful fundraiser. Applications will be distributed in the next week, including on the web. The Pacer's Facebook page and Twitter will also be used to promote the race. Members were asked to help recruit course monitors for the race and to consider volunteering in other capacities.
Paige Phillips discussed plans for Hobble Then Gobble, particularly sponsorships. After a discussion of sponsorship levels and how those sponsors are acknowledged, the group agreed that the club might consider changes. Donna Davis volunteered to work on this following the Labor Day Race and report back to the group at the next business meeting.
Becky Ryder reminded the group about the upcoming Oak Grove Running Festival (August 21 st ). Registration forms are available through the Pacer website.
Charles Jackson announced a new event at Cane Brake, the Burn Your Buns 5 Mile Race on August 7 th . Charles encouraged members to consider participating in this, the first race at Cane Brake in many years.
Becky reviewed the Pacer Bylaws, pointing out areas where club practice is inconsistent with the bylaws. She reviewed each section, with plans to make final changes at the next business meeting.
First, the Pacers have 11 Officer/Leadership positions while the bylaws say 7. One of those not listed is the Record Keeper, currently Ginny Dufrene. Becky will ask Ginny to write a description of this position to be included in bylaw revisions.
Bylaws give the Vice-President the job of overseeing event sponsorships. Currently, event directors handle sponsorships.
The position of social chair is not described in the bylaws. Charles Jackson will work on this.
Under membership dues, the bylaws state that new members joining after July 1 st do not have to renew the next year. The club recently agreed to change this date to October 1 st .
The bylaws specify quarterly meeting dates (Jan/April/August/December); Becky suggests the group change this to four meetings per year to be scheduled by the officers.
Likewise, the list of events sponsored could be changed to eliminate events no longer on the regular schedule and make a more general description of sponsored races and other activities.
Terry Lawhead will look at the Gran Prix series description and bring back any necessary changes.
Finally, Becky pointed out that the bylaws include a description of a volunteer of the year award to be made at the banquet. This has not been done in the past and those present agreed it was a worthwhile addition to the awards made by the group. As noted at this meeting, super-volunteer Hollie Ryder would be an excellent first choice!
James Daniel and Paige Phillips reported on progress on a club t-shirt, presenting possible design, material and color options. Once the work is completed, members will be advised on how to order these shirts.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Davis, Secretary