June 6, 2002
The Pine Belt Pacers met June 6, 2002 to make plans for the October 12 Hub Fest 5K State Championship Run . Tony Mozingo, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following members present: Becky Ryder, Hollie Ryder, Kim Ryder, Robyn Ryder, Brandy Mixon, Elmer Beardshall, Steve Ulery, Keith Barrett, Vicki Copeland, Tony Mozingo and Martha Ray Sartor.
Hollie Ryder reported the club has $2,4099.00 in their account with no outstanding bills. Tony motivated those present by saying the Pine Belt Pacers could make the October 12 run one of the best around, that Mobile Track Club is no smarter than us. Members volunteered for chairs of various committees. Committee chairs are:
1. Registration Keith Barrett
2. School Involvement Brandy Mixon (Sartor and B. Ryder volunteered assist)
3. Publicity Vickie Copeland
4. Sponsors Tony Mozingo
5. Post Race Party Kim Ryder
6. Volunteers Becky Ryder
Committees will need lots of help from the membership. Tony said he had visited with Ric Corts, ReMax Real Estate, concerning being a sponsor. Ric is interested in being a sponsor as long as profits could go to the Susan G. Komein Foundation (breast cancer). Everyone thought this was a good idea. Tony said he would continue to be a sponsor and that Kentwood water would donate sports drinks and water. Becky Ryder said she and Hollie would give $100.
The following items were discussed concerning event details.
1. Do we need numbers? If yes, how elaborate? Tony presented info on cost of numbers. Becky discussed getting free numbers from Runners World. Tony said ReMax might pay for numbers. It was suggested that maybe only the walkers needed numbers. No decision was made.
2. Offer a discount to Pine Belt Pacer members who are current on their dues to participate in the HubFest 5K.
3. Consider adding a walking division and 1 mile fun run to the October 12 event.
4. Involve youth from organized groups such as Aldersgate and Boys n’Girls Clubs.
5. Publicize event in the Running Journal ($20), television, radio, newspapers and have registration on active.com. Send race into to other running club websites.
6. Produce a nice looking race entry form.
7. School and group involvement age recommended is ages 9-12.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.