April 11, 2010
April 11, 2010 3:45
Present: Deborah Barrett, Keith Barrett, Vicki Copeland, James Daniel, Susan Davidson, Donna Davis , Sheila Eaton, Jane Fant, Kami Fleener, Mike Fleener, Ben Hughes, Audrey Jackson, Charles Jackson, , Terry Lawhead, Paige Phillips, Melissa Ravencraft , Becky Ryder, Hollie Ryder, James Warner, Pearlee Warner
The meeting, held at the Jackson Station Community Center , was called to order by President Susan Davidson. The meeting began with member introductions, including several new members. Among the new members is a lifetime member, Sheila Eaton.
Longleaf Trace Cleanup project
Susan reported on Saturday's cleanup of PBP's assigned section of 1.5 miles at the Gateway. Susan and Vicki Copeland, with the assistance of 40 volunteers from USM were able to clean not only the club's section but several additional miles. Susan will prepare a signup sheet for upcoming months so that members who have agreed to help can choose a month to cover. The group discussed the possibility of awarding Gran Prix points as an incentive for participating in this project. The club also plans to purchase grabbers for members to use.
Becky Ryder reported on other Longleaf Trace news. The Friends of the Trace can now be found on Facebook, where information is posted about participation in the upcoming Ride of Silence. This national event will be held in memory of those killed in bicycling accidents. The ride will be held on the trace at 7:00 on September 4 th . At 11:00 a special ceremony will dedicate a memorial to local bicyclist Jerry Ryan.
Treasurer report
Deborah Barrett reported that the club has a balance of $6,885.06 at this time. Of this total, $1,299.61 is designated for the club equipment fund, $1,107.74 as a special project fund (raised at the Annual Banquet and to be used as part of a club contribution to USM track scholarship) with the remaining $4,477.71 as club funds.
The Pacers also received a $100 donation from MS Trail 50.
President's Goals
Susan discussed her goals for this year which include new sponsors for the Pacers and revisiting sponsorships from previous years.
Possible race addition
Charles Jackson discussed an idea for adding a fourth race to the current schedule of three races sponsored by the club. His idea would be a 10 mile run for couples to be held near Valentine's Day. Susan suggested he prepare a proposal with details to be discussed at a future meeting.
The group discussed possible changes to member's dues, including amount charged, and when dues are paid towards a particular membership year. On motion by Becky seconded by Susan the group agreed to keep dues at current levels, specifying that dues paid after August 1 st are counted towards the following calendar year.
5K for Relay
Sheila Eaton, Race Director for this upcoming GP event, reported on plans for the race and distributed posters and entry forms. A benefit for Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society, the race will mark its third year with hopes for a field of runners to exceed last year's 120-130. More information about the event can be found on Facebook and a website, (5K for Relay).
The group discussed the benefit to the club of a membership table at Gran Prix events to encourage participants to join Pine Belt Pacers. Donna Davis will setup and work at a Pacer membership table at 5K for Relay.
Club Shirts
Paige Phillips reported that she is working on design and shirt options for a PBP shirt. Paige got information from Ginny Dufrene concerning types of shirts to consider, costs, etc. The club will pay for the initial order of shirts to be sold to members.
5K Training Program
Becky reported on plans for this summer's 12 week training program, leading up to Labor Your Legs 5K. The training is designed for beginning or intermediate runners and has been successful for many runners preparing for a first race or looking to improve race times. The last four weeks of the program will be part of the Trek the Trace series in August.
Pine Belt Pacer Relays
President Susan Davidson announced that she will coordinate the Pacer Relays this year, with the help of new members Kami and Mike Fleener. This team track and field event is a favorite of many Pacers, who encourage others to participate in a fun filled day which usually leaves at least one member injured.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:00, at which time the members present enjoyed a potluck dinner, including Charles Jackson's famous fried turkeys.
Next Meeting: July 11 th , 3:30, Jackson Road Community Center .
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Davis, Secretary