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January 31, 2010


January 31, 2010 4:00

Present: Deborah Barrett, Keith Barrett, Jim Coll, Vicki Copeland, James Daniel, Susan Davidson, Donna Davis , Ben Hughes, Audrey Jackson, Charles Jackson, Jodie Jawor, Terry Lawhead, Jodie Lee, Jamie Martin, Paige Phillips, Dee Raspberry, Phillip Reynolds, Becky Ryder, Eric Weill

The meeting, held at Keg and Barrel, was called to order by President Susan Davidson.

Gimme Shelter 5K

Race Director Phillip Reynolds began the meeting by reporting on the upcoming Gimme Shelter 5K, a Gran Prix event scheduled for Feb. 20 th at 8:30 a.m.. Sponsored by University Baptist Church , the event will begin and end at the church. Phillip asked for input from the group on several issues related to this new event, including possible member assistance with the finish line and course marking (scheduled for Feb 15).

Irish-Italian Fest 5K

Race Director Jamie Martin reported on another upcoming Gran Prix event, the St. Thomas Irish-Italian Fest 5K, scheduled for March 19 th , at 5:30, beginning at the USM Gateway to the Long Leaf Trace. More information about the third running of this popular event can be found on Facebook. Jamie did ask for assistance in rounding up some used running shoes to be used for making awards and, if anyone would like to volunteer, help with handing out packets and at the turnaround.

Pine Belt Pacer Banquet

Jim Coll reported on plans for this year's banquet. Now in its fifth year, proceeds from this event provide income for club donations to the USM Track Scholarship fund. The event will be held on Thursday, Feb. 25 th , 6:00 p.m. at the Ogletree House on USM's campus. Tickets are $25 per person or $40 for a couple. Charles Jackson, social chair, will use Evite to allow members to make banquet reservations.

Jim presented menu options and a selection was made by those present. In addition, it was agreed that beer and wine would be served, donated by Pacer members. (The Ogletree House may charge a fee for serving the wine and beer. If so, the fee will be covered from banquet proceeds.)

The evening will include a silent auction and members are asked to solicit appropriate items and contact Jim Coll prior to the banquet. Keith and Deborah Barrett have already offered to donate items for the auction. Others may use the forum to inform Jim about donated items.

Presentations at the banquet will include 2009 Gran Prix winners and donations from the Pine Belt Pacers to our designated charities. Representatives will be on hand from the Muscular Dystrophy Association, ( MDA is the Labor Your Legs designated charity), Association for the Rights of Citizens with Disabilities (ARC is the Hobble Then Gobble designated charity), Longleaf Trace (Steamwhistle 12K designated charity) and the USM Track team. Representatives from these groups will be guests of the club at the banquet and Deborah Barrett will provide information about these representatives for the program.

Special recognition awards will also be made. Each year, the group identifies a member, sponsor or other person to be made either a life time member or to receive other recognition. On motion by James Daniel seconded by Vicki Copeland, such an award was designated for announcement at the banquet. Audrey and Charles Jackson will provide the information about the award winners.

Adopt the Trace

Becky Ryder announced that Pine Belt Pacers are proceeding with plans to adopt a section of the Long Leaf Trace for cleanup and other maintenance services. A copy of the adopter services guidelines was presented by Becky. Keith and Deborah Barrett agreed to oversee the February cleanup day, with other volunteers to take proceeding months.

Steam Whistle 12K

The recent Steam Whistle 12K raised $1,329.92. On motion by Becky Ryder, seconded by Keith Barrett, the group agreed to donate $1,000 to the Friends of the Long Leaf Trace with the remaining funds assigned to the club's equipment replacement fund.

Hobble Then Gobble

The 2010 Hobble Then Gobble Thanksgiving Day 5 mile race will be directed by Kim Schram, from the ARC, the race's designated charity. A first time race director, Kim needs the assistance of someone from Pine Belt Pacers. Becky suggested that someone who has not directed a race before could “shadow” the next Pine Belt Pacer race directors, (Labor Your Legs co-directors Donna Davis and Eric Weill) in preparation for the Thanksgiving race. Paige Phillips agreed to assist Kim with this race on behalf of the Pine Belt Pacers.


James Daniel discussed the list of upcoming events on the website, and asked that information be supplied to him by race directors for inclusion on the list. James pointed out that this information is sometimes changed after it is listed on our website, which can result in inaccurate information posted. Members present agreed that the list of events is still a useful feature of the site.

Trailer Lettering

Keith Barrett continues to work on a source of lettering for the Pine Belt Pacer Trailer. Keith will coordinate this with Charles Jackson.

Club T-Shirts

Members present discussed once more the advantages of ordering Pine Belt Pacer shirts, hopefully to be worn by members during races. This issue has been considered on more than one occasion without resolution as to type of shirt, how to distribute, who to design, what color, etc. At this point, it was suggested that this be considered by the general membership as part of a member survey (see below).

Member Survey

President Susan Davidson will work on a brief (10-15 questions) member survey to identify relevant issues and provide feedback to officers about important club decisions.

Track On Tap

Social chair Charles Jackson proposed a holiday theme to this year's Track on Tap programs, beginning with a Feb. 16 th Mardi Gras run (beads and masks required) to be followed in March with a St. Patrick's celebration on the 17 th .

Financial Report

Treasurer Deborah Barrett presented a detailed financial report, showing a balance of $10,913.06. This balance includes $4,500 from the Hobble Then Gobble Race, of which $1,500 represents a Walmart Foundation donation. Deborah applied for this foundation award which will be added to the $3,000 from race proceeds. On motion by Jim Coll seconded by Eric Weill, the group agreed to a $4,500 donation to ARC. This represents the largest donation ever from Pine Belt Pacers to a designated charity. ARC representative (and Pacer member) Jodie Lee expressed appreciation on behalf of her organization.

Mississippi 50 practice run

Charles suggested a repeat of last year's practice run, followed by a cookout, for Pacers planning on participating in this premier trail run event. Interest was expressed by those present for such an event on Sunday, February 14 th . Check the forum for details.

Children's Running program

Becky Ryder reported on plans for an area children's running group. While interest has been expressed in the past for such activities, no one volunteered to coordinate such a program. Such a sponsor seems now to be available and as plans move forward, Becky will continue to share information with the group.

Bike Ride for Haiti

Staff at the Keg and Barrel, location for this business meeting, asked members to consider participating in a March 13 th 40 mile Bike Ride for Haiti . This fundraiser will end with a police escort to the Keg and Barrel. Information about the event may be found on their website.

By Laws

Becky Ryder suggested that the bylaws be examined to ensure that the club is following the practices described or change the bylaws. After discussion, the group agreed that club officers will work on this project.

Membership Chair

The group was advised that membership chair Mark Filbey has resigned. After a discussion of the required duties, Dee Raspberry agreed to serve. Deborah Barrett will continue to keep membership records as part of her duties as Treasurer. Dee will handle membership packets for new members.

Pine Belt Pacer Relays

A coordinator is needed for this event. Held last year in June, this team track and field day was enjoyed by many club members. If you would like to see this event on the 2010 calendar, consider volunteering to oversee the relays!

2010 meeting dates and locations

The group agreed that the Jackson Road Community Center , off the Longleaf Trace, would make a great site for future business meetings. It was also agreed that Sunday afternoons/evenings are the best time for meetings. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, April 11 th at 3:30. Check the website to verify this time and location.

Respectfully submitted: Donna Davis , Secretary

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