January 24, 2002
The Pine Belt Pacers Running Club held their first quarterly meeting in 2002 Thursday, January 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the Citizens National Bank on Highway 98 in Hattiesburg with 17 members and 6 guests present. The largest crowd ever for the Pine Belt Pacers since their inception in 1999. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Keith Barrett, President.
Race reports were given by Vicki Copeland on the Puerto Rico half marathon; Latrelle Davis, Amy Lee and Kim Root on the Team In Training Marathon in San Diego; Tonya Cooper on the Disney Marathon; Steve Ulery reported he will run the Mardi Gras Marathon in February; Tony Mozingo, Mike Barnes, and Keith Barrett reported that they ran the in the Compaq Houston Marathon. Robin Ryder ran the half marathon and did very well; and Becky Ryder reported she placed first in her age category in the Houston Four Mile Run.
Hollie Ryder, the Treasurer, reported the club had $641.69 in the checking account. He has about $240.00 dues to deposit which would make the balance $881.69. Becky Ryder commented that our dues help pay for a million dollar insurance policy that covers all Pine Belt Pacer sponsored events, Tuesday track workouts, club officers, race director, etc.
Becky Ryder reported we have 82 current members, although all are not current on their dues, but expect many will be soon. Vicki Copeland, publicity chair, reported this year Robin Ryder appeared on the WDAM Morning Show and several articles were published in the Hattiesburg American. Elmer Beardshall, webmaster, thanked everyone for contributing race reports for the website because it made his job easier. At the request of members he also explained age grading.
Several items of new business were discussed. Keith Barrett and Becky Ryder updated the club on the Club Run to Mobile for the Azalea Trail 10K. Many members plan to stay at the Holiday Inn Express that is listed on the race application. The application can be found on the web.
Becky Ryder informed the club of the new status of the Hub Fest 5K. Last year it was dubbed by the RRCA (Road Runners Club of America) as the State 5K Championship. This designation is good for ten years. This year it has gained another designation as a United States Association Track & Field Grand Prix Race. It will be the fourth race is a series. Participants will receive a t-shirt from the Hub Fest 5K and a t-shirt from United States Association Track & Field. This year’s Hub Fest is October 12.
Keith Barrett presented the 2002 slate of officers. Because there were no nominations from the floor or no one else volunteered to serve, the officers were elected by acclamation. New officers are listed below.
President: Tony Mozingo
Vice President: Robin Ryder
Secretary: Martha Ray Sartor
Treasurer: Hollie Ryder
Publicity: Vicki Copeland
Membership: Becky Ryder
WebMaster: Elmer Beardshall
HubFest Race Dir.: Keith Barrett
Certificates were presented to The Institute of Wellness & Sports Medicine, Keith Barrett, and Tony Mozingo for “Dedicated Service.” Tony Mozingo also received the “Phew-Litzer Award. This is the first time this distinguished award has ever been given by this prestigious club. Elmer Beardshall presented this special honor to Tony.
Keith Barrett introduced our speaker, Mr. Danny Bawering, Manager of South Mississippi Sports. South Mississippi Sports opened in March 2001 on Highway 11 in Oak Grove. Mr. Bawering gave a talk on design, selection, and fitting running shoes. He also announced their running apparel was currently 50 percent off. Pine Belt Pacer members receive a 20 percent discount at his business. He encouraged members to give his store a try. He would be happy to personally fit club members for running shoes. After a question and answer period, Keith thanked our speaker.
Tony Mozingo, incoming President, thanked Hollie & Becky Ryder and Elmer& Ann Beardshall for their hard work in being founding members of the club. He challenged club members to get involved and have fun at club events.
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Many members enjoyed supper at Chili’s following adjournment.
Members present were: Nester Raul Anzola, Keith Barrett, Ann Beardshall, Elmer Beardshall, Dave Beckett, Tonya Cooper, Vicki Copeland, Latrelle Davis, Tony Mozingo, Karen Luh, Michael Vied, Becky Ryder, Hollie Ryder, Robin Ryder, Martha Ray Sartor, Steve Ulery. Guests were: Kim Root, Dr. Mohinder Randhawa, Brandy Mixon, Danny Bawering, and the daughters of Karen Luh and Amy Lee.
Submitted By: Martha Ray Sartor, Secretary