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January 11, 2009


Present: Nestor Anzola, Deborah Barrett, Keith Barrett, Donna Davis, Audrey Jackson, Charles Jackson, Terry Lawhead, Becky Ryder

The meeting, held at Keg and Barrel, was called to order by President Audrey Jackson.

Steam Whistle 12K

The meeting began with a review of the recent Steam Whistle 12K. On motion by Becky Ryder, seconded by Audrey Jackson, the race certification report submitted by Race Director Tony Mozingo was accepted. On motion by Becky Ryder, seconded by Donna Davis, the group agreed to a donation of $1,500 (a combination of race proceeds and donation from club funds) to the Friends of the Longleaf Trace. The donation will be designated toward Project Safe Crossings, for which matching funds are available. (Following the meeting, it was determined that matching funds were not available; the donation will be made, as in years past, for the Beaver Pond project.)

Race Director Tony Mozingo will be sent a letter, informing him of the donation and that the group does not plan on including the Steam Whistle 2010 as a Pine Belt Pacer sponsored race.

2010 Calendar

Becky Ryder conferred with the group about dates for the 2010 calendar. The schedule, including meetings, races and special events, will be completed shortly so that it may be included in the membership packets (to be mailed out) for this year as well as posting on the website. Upcoming events include the Membership Banquet in February. Jim Coll is in charge of this event, held at USM and benefitting the USM track scholarship. Members should check the website for details.

Special Achievement Awards.

On motion by Becky Ryder, seconded by Donna Davis the group approved Special Recognition Awards, to be announced at the membership banquet, to Jim Coll, John Pendergrass and Russ Henley.

Treasurer’s report

Deborah Barrett presented a report showing a fund balance of 3,441.84 as of January 4, 2009. This figure includes club funds of 1,710.20 and 1,731.64 in special projects (income from races which are designated for particular projects). On motion by Donna Davis, seconded by Charles Jackson, the Treasurer’s report was accepted.

Next Meeting:

The April business meeting will be held on Sunday, April 5th, 5:00 at Deborah and Keith Barrett’s home.

Respectfully submitted: Donna Davis, Secretary

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