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Third Annual Pine Belt Pacer Awards Dinner

February 21st, 2008

The third annual Pine Belt Pacers Awards Dinner was held Thursday February 21st, at the Powerhouse Restaurant on Southern Miss' campus. The club honored the 2007 Gran Prix winners, new Lifetime members, and several volunteers for their service. A Silent auction of USM and running memorabilia was also held. The proceeds from the event will go to help support the club's scholarship for a Southern Miss track and field / cross country athlete. Dinner was buffet style with an excellent menu included. Kily Garcia topped the evening off with a slide show of many Pacer events featuring Pacer members.



6:00 p.m. – Silent Auction / Race Raffle Opens


6:30 p.m. – Dinner / Program Begins

Invocation Jerry DeFatta

Report on Southern Miss Track & Field

  •  Kevin Stephen Head Track & Field Coach, Southern Miss

Pine Belt Pacer Club Update Audrey Jackson

President, Pine Belt Pacers

Awards Presentations Jim Coll

Past President, Pine Belt Pacers

  •     Audrey Jackson


Gran Prix Winners

Women’s Open Division – Audrey Jackson

Men’s Open Division – Terry Lawhead

Women’s Masters Division – Sheryl Chatfield

Men’s Masters Division – Keith Barrett

Women’s Grandmasters Division – Vicki Copeland

Men’s Grandmasters Division – Phillip Wedgeworth

Young Runner of the Year (Female) – Morgan Eguia

Young Runner of the Year (Male)– Blake Barrett


Special Service Award Winners

Nestor Raul Anzola

Phillip Wedgeworth

Special Presentation Audrey Jackson

Video Presentation Kily Garcia - Watch:  Part I  Part II

8:00 p.m. – Silent Auction / Race Raffle Closes

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